Thursday, November 24, 2005



Institution : Warren Correctional Institution

Nature of incident: Homicide

Time of Incident: 11.55pm

Date of incident 11/13/00

Report prepared by: Investigator, Mark Stegmoller

Inmate involved: Wagner, Jason A391054

Sentence (length) : 37 years to Life

Sentence (Crime) POSS criminal Tools, Endanger Child, Kidnapping, FEL Assault, ATT Murder, and Rape

Committing County Fairfield

Age: DOB: 08/28/75 Race. White

Date Received: 03/02/00 Parole Date: 04/23/2043

Inmate involved: Hancock, Timothy A2194767

Sentence (length) 20 years to life

Sentence (Crime) AGG Murder, FEL Assault

Committing County : Allen

Age: DOB: 12/07/69 Race: white

Date Received: 03/07/90 Parole Date: 09/07/2008

Employees involved: None

Describe Incident:

On November 13, 2000, at approximately 11.55pm, While working on the Protective Custody Unit on third shift, Officer Kohlhorst was advised by inmate Hancock (A2194767), that he “killed his child molesting cellmate”, Jason Wagner. Upon entering the cell, Inmate Wagner was found dead in the top bunk in cell 1A 129, tied to the bed at both wrist and ankles with strands torn from a sheet. There was also a strand of sheet tied in several knots around inmate Wagner’s neck. Subsequently, inmate Hancock was taken to segregation and the cell deemed a crime scene. The Ohio State Trooper Patrol was notified and Lieutenant Hale, Trooper Slusher, and Trooper Nelson responded to the Institution. At this point the investigation had been turned over to the Ohio State Patrol and is on going.

a. Ohio State Highway Patrol-- Yes

b. Sherrif or Police----- No

c. other institutions--No

d.Other---- No Regional Director/Designee: Yes

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